Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Patience is a Virtue...

I have no patience. Okay so that may be an overstatement, but I am the person who bounces her leg when she sits for long periods of time, who checks on toast to see if it's done, or zips by people who leisurely stroll in the mall.

There are exceptions though, as there are in anything.

I think it all has to do with pairing. The pairing of patience with another virtue that is. What you lack in one, you can make up for with the other.

My patience may wane depending on situation but my forgiveness is monumental. Sure like any other person I get angry or frustrated, mad even, but my belief is you can't hold onto negative feelings (cue: sitar music).

Currently my patience is being tested, I want the future now but can't have it. I am the 12 year old girl desperate to be 17 only to realize at 17 I want to be 21 and so on until it cycles backward. In order to remain calm, I observe my surroundings. I breathe.

Think happy thoughts.
like a puppy in a warm bed.

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