Friday, October 15, 2010

10 Days is all it takes

I started the following blog a week or so ago (about 10 days)... please read:

I think it is safe to say now here in blog land that Dave and I are searching for a new home. After visiting my cousin's gorgeous new home we left with aspirations of our future. Where we wanted to be, what the house would look like. This was of course after a large argument which in reality did not come from anger, and was not even directed at one another, but rather just the outcome of usual frustrations. The largest being - my job. Sadly, being a contract teacher, my job is considered "unstable" as I am not permanent. I am only in my second year (I never count the year I was sick) so in all respect, I am doing much better than other who cannot even get on the supply list - so I am grateful!

Either way, we were frustrated with not being able to move forward, gain more space and most importantly, move closer to family. Within the day, Dave had created a budget and contacted our mortgage specialist. By the end of the long weekend we had been tentatively cleared for an amazing price range and we started looking at homes. Now a week later from all this Dave has spent days perfecting the budget to ensure that we still have "mad money" (read: Lulu lemon shopping sprees) and of course a nest egg/rainy day fun. Now we just need to find the perfect home that meets our (read: my) looooong list of "must haves". This presents excitement, a challenge and most important a much needed and desired change. I will be sure to keep you all in the loop on our exciting search.


Well - now, as I said this was 10 days ago - and currently as I take a break from my marking I look up to the overhead printer to see that Dave is printing off our tentative mortgage information (or something of the like). That's right - we bought a house.A gorgeous 2600 sq. ft home, meeting all our requirements and then some. Most importantly it's closer to family and friends - best of all, 5 small blocks from my sister.

We don't move until June 2011 - so stayed tuned for all the home details I prepare in the meanwhile.

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