Saturday, July 10, 2010


After years of talks and dreaming followed by months of research and preparing, it only took one look to say...yes.

Faithful readers - I am pleased to introduce, Blondie.

Some info on Blondie:
- She is an 8 week old Shorkie (Shih-tu, Yorkie mix) currently about 4 pounds and will grow to be 8 pounds.
- She is named for her blonde hair and Debbie Harry
- Her older brother , Jack Sparrow, a cat - is still not sure how to react to her vivacious nature.
- she is adapting quite well to sleeping in a crate at night, but does not like when her older brother taunts her by strolling back and forth in front of her.
- she goes to the washroom outside, and has few accidents because her "I have to pee" nose to the ground looks exactly like her "where is that other 'puppy'" nose to the ground.

I think she looks similar to Valcor the luck dragon from "Never-ending Story" when she is all tuckered out.

Here is a little video I made of Blondie and Jack Sparrow's first meet


  1. just back from cottage week and can't tell you how I've laughed at this --- LOL -- 10x -- too funny -- so glad you got this on film.

    and did I miss something at the end of the year -- -a puppy -- was this in the offing???

  2. Awww, little ball of fluff. I took a quick first scoot through your most recent posts and I must say, I did not see "get a dog" on your pre-summer list. But spontaneity is something I can behind.

    Thanks for visiting!
