Friday, May 21, 2010

Keep things positive

It's early Friday evening - I just finished a crazy Friday workout with a trainer where we flipped tires, pulled weights the size of me and did too many push-ups that I lost count.

I am red faced and sweaty but that is exactly what I needed. I feel like I have been on a roller coaster since last weekend - with so many real amazing things happening to friends this past weekend (can't talk about it just yet) AND all the fake but seemingly all too real season finales. My heart can't keep up.

But on a funnier note - Mandy Moore was on the season finale of Grey's and of all things she is in for it's her second stage of reversal surgery. Which is what I will be doing some time in the future. I laughed when it was announced why she was there. She made jokes about her colostomy bag, and even though I have an ileostomy(slight difference in the gross factor) I could still sympathize and laugh with her while others would be grossed out. She did mention how gross it was which made me slightly frustrated, I would have hoped that she would continue her light humor to say "beats cancer/dying/being sick all the time!" but she didn't.

A friend of mine who also has an ileostomy e-mailed me to say how funny Mandy was and how I was probably the same way in the hospital - making jokes, trying to make the surgeons and doctors laugh. It is true - when I was having a good day, that was my goal. Doctors need a light side to their day - especially those specializing in the gastric system.

It was a good reminder to laugh, at everything, keep things positive. With so many things going wrong or being out of my control I am trying to remind myself that I have gotten through worse and I am still here.

So now on Friday night, after a great workout, endorphins pumping and long list of things to do I am ready for it.

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