Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine Sushi

Another successful Valentines Day!

It seems that all the questions were surrounding our plans for Valentines Day - “First Valentines Day as a married couple, what are you going to do?” My usual response would be a blank stare and a quick “same thing we do every valentines…try to take over the world!” but in all honesty - Dave and I have had a standing plan of sushi and movie for the past few years and I don’t intend to ever change them – I am a sucker for tradition.

This year, we replaced our movie with a TV show. We bought the first volume of Glee after many rave reviews and a few caught episodes. I am a huge fan of musicals, and even though the show has nothing to do with them I still feel it is necessary to sing along – you know, for full viewer appreciation. After watching the first few episodes on Saturday Dave got me the CD, so I could still sing along anytime I wanted - just not with him right beside me. On Sunday I cleaned the house while Dave was at hockey and I blasted the volume 1 soundtrack – with half the episodes still to go I was worried about ruining the plot. I kept thinking of what each song would mean to the characters. When Dave got home I heard the soundtrack coming from our bathroom speakers – obviously he felt this new need to sing along too.

It wasn’t hard to get hooked, for myself I am a sucker for unrequited love - perhaps because that summed up my entire high school life. I began to yell at the TV at Terry or Quinn, and even though incredibly good looking, I would still be angry with Puck. Together we giggled at the insane OCD of Emma, and I quietly wished for her awesome food containers. When we finished the last episode over our last bites of spicy salmon, and tuna sashimi we were left in an immediate withdraw. We found out that the next episodes would not be until spring. “That’s good though – we only have ‘Lie to Me’ during the spring.” Dave’s positive outlook only highlighted our strong relationships with TV shows…thank goodness for PVR or else we would be slaves to an unruly TV schedule.

A fantastic Valentines Day – and what better way to follow up such a day then with a peaceful, restful Family Day…. but more on that later.


  1. I knew you would love Glee! But what a way to leave things. I can't wait until April!

  2. I would love to see you singing along -- follow the bouncing ball everyone --- what a lovely day with your sweetie.
